Typical Woke Gen Z Lib Dummy.

She claims to be oppressed by white men, but can’t cite one example.

In other words, I’ve been told what to believe and I have no idea why I believe it.

Of course they can’t quote any examples. They are just accepting what they’ve been fed as being real even though it’s not.

Gen Z: “the most educated generation EVAH!”

Seems very typical of modern libs actually. They just KNOW that they’re oppressed as they spend the day watching TikTok on their $1,200 iPhone, but they don’t exactly know how.

This is what happens when millions of fools pay $200k to go to college and be indoctrinated by some loser with a manbun teaching “gender studies” or some such horseshit.

I remember a similar incident about 5 years ago at Putter & Gutters. There was a particularly dumb waitress serving us who said “Ooohh! Trump? How can anyone vote for him! He’s such a racist!”

At that point, I was so sick of hearing the word “racist” thrown around with no proof (kind of like ‘insurrection’ was later) I asked “What did he do or say that was so racist?”

The waitress stammered and bumbled around and said something like “well, he’s just, you know, totally racist and does racist stuff.”

I asked again to give me ONE example.

She couldn’t do it. Naturally, she wasn’t the least bit embarrassed or ashamed that she was made to look like a complete idiot unable to back up a basic statement she considered “fact.”

These are the morons who put Biden into office. Completely clueless and all their beliefs are based on CNN lies and propaganda. They literally cannot think for themselves or express a cogent argument about anything if asked.