L.A. Times Lays Off 115 Regime Propaganda Peddlers From Newsroom. Learn to Code, Nerds.

Isn’t that what the slimeball commies in the Big City newsrooms told the pipeline workers to do when Biden shut them all down a couple years ago?

Learn to code, nerds. What an absolute shame! Just look at all the empty chairs! BAHAHAHAHA!

Mocking journalists losing their job is ghoulish, yes – but may be necessary…

Of course, hardcore commie “journalists” love to dish it out…but they aren’t too good at taking it:

California is always looking for people to pick vegetables. Learn to pick?

Every one of these kinds of tweets is getting ratioed because these “journalists” have no idea how much people—not just conservatives—despise them.

The second-greatest thing that can happen to this nation is newspapers going under and ‘journalists’ being unemployed. The same thing happening to universities would be the first.

Remember that time LA Times journos got very very upset about a Jason Aldean song and grilled him about “white privilege”? Anyway, really hope the layoff axe caught some of those folks. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!