Potato Head Trying To Buy Her Way Into Polite Society….For $31? Come On, Man!

What do you do when you’re a rabid left-winger from California/Austin who has ruined her own city with terrible liberal policies and has decided to move into infest a nice, small town which leans politically to the right and tends to love Trump (Trump got 78% of the vote in 2016 AND in 2020)?

Trump – a person you detest with all your being and who you STILL stupidly think is a secret agent of Vladimir Putin?

Well, first you try pretending you never said all the Marxist, lefty-lunatic-fringe stuff you’ve said over the last 10 years by erasing all of your social media.

But let’s say that doesn’t work! Perhaps there is a Paul Revere type out there who has alerted the citizenry that they are being invaded by commie scum from Austin. The kind of scum who applauded when the Biden puppet stole the election thanks to the VERY SAME authoritarian Covid measures that you ALSO applauded heavily?

Well, you try and buy your way in. Maybe you start a fundraiser to buy more lights for the annual town Christmas display….

You see, you can’t signal your virtue the old Austin liberal way – which was to demand people wear masks, get ‘vaccinated’ and social distance, or maybe start blathering about tranny rights or publicly support the Marxist front group called Black Lives Matter.

That dirt don’t stick in Lampasas.

So you need a NEW way to signal your virtue. What better way than to create a fundraiser and be the FIRST ONE to donate and get the ball rolling!

Wow. What a virtuous person! She probably donated a whole bunch of money to get the ball rolling, right?

Well, not exactly….

Seriously, Potato Head? Thirty-one bucks?!? That’s an insult, man.

I guarantee you that Potato Head donated WAY MORE than that to Black Lives Matter back in 2020 – to help out her oppressed black sisters and brothers buy a $6 million dollar mansion who are brutalized and terrorized by those evil cops….

Odds that Potato Head has even ONE black friend? I’m guessing about 300-1.

Thirty-one bucks from the chick who humble-bragged on social media about her Austin mansion that “used to be a 4-plex”?

“WE bought it”? Don’t you mean when Kurt Eller bought it?

Thirty-one bucks from the chick who humble-bragged about her dogs that cost about $2,500 each and are “super, super rare”?

Come on, lady. You’re not going to buy your way out of being a Marxist whack-job for a measly $31. Pathetic.

Maybe you can get your mom to submit yet ANOTHER grant to the LCRA – those idiots just handed your mother over $12,000 to waste in her garden. A garden that gets used by maybe 12 or 14 people (and is locked to the public). The Christmas lights are seen by THOUSANDS. Seems like a much better expenditure to me.

I actually considered donating $32 just to be a dick, but then it occurred to me: the City of Lampasas had something like a $331,000 budget SURPLUS at the end of the last fiscal year. They could have easily peeled off 1.5% of that to spend on Christmas lights that the entire City could enjoy. But they didn’t. Instead they spent every cent of that money to give raises to a bunch of overpaid City Hall bigwigs who hardly need it.

So I’ll take a pass. Bah humbug.