Local Socialist Parasite Excited About Biden (Illegally) Creating Climate Red Guards.

Ah yes. No commie government is complete without a bunch of brainwashed, easily manipulated kids running around spying on and ratting out their parents and neighbors.

“I saw Mister Smith next door eating MEAT! That’s bad for the environment! Big Brother told me so!”

Mao had his Red Guards. Hitler had the brown shirts and Hitler Youth. Pol Pot had his killing fields. Most people have no clue of the atrocities committed by kids as young as 12 or 13 under the Khmer Rouge. I doubt local commie Clayton Tucker knows any of this history. If he did, he might not be applauding King Biden’s latest idiotic stunt.

Biden is forming his own little army of brainwashed rats and snitches:

Local socialist Clayton Tucker is ecstatic. In his mind, only Big Government can solve problems – despite the fact that Big Government has failed to solve a single problem in the history of the U.S. and most of the time, they make things far worse.

The federal government was directly responsible for creating the Dust Bowl in the first place, you moron.

[P.S. – there is no “climate crisis.” The earth will warm and cool over long periods of time as it has done for billions of years and it will continue to do no matter how many trillions are wasted on pinwheels and electric fagmobiles.]

I find it especially hilarious that the photo uses some chick pointing to a bunch of pinwheels in the distance. Because the entire wind industry is on the verge of collapse right now…even WITH billions and billions wasted on subsidies. It’s likely that by the time Biden gets his army of Green Shirts organized, there won’t be any pinwheels left to deal with at all. The whole retarded house of cards will have collapsed already.

Whenever you hear Comrade Clayton state something with such confidence and authority (“FDR directly helped end the Dust Bowl!”) remember how he is 100% wrong on every other thing he has ever stated.

Like this:

He is just a random retard spewing nonsense. That’s it.

But he SURE IS EXCITED about the thought of an army of government-paid assholes running around “stopping climate chaos,” whatever that means.

My first question is how King Biden has the authority to just create this new bloated program out of thin air. No doubt he will insist on these 20,000 idiots being paid far more than they are worth ($0). So we are talking about a billion dollar expenditure without the approval of Congress. If you read your Constitution, all spending and taxing decisions must originate in the House.

So there’s that.

Secondly, we are $33 trillion in debt and currently fighting over a government shutdown, but somehow we always have billions for garbage make-work jobs and climate propaganda like this. Screw that. I hope they DO shut the government down at the end of the month. Of course, the “shut down” only affects about 14% of the government, unfortunately.

These are the kind of useless, waste-of-money jobs that even a 32-year-old failure and loser who lives with his mother could get, if he raised a finger. But Clayton can’t even pull THAT off. He doesn’t like waking up before 11am, usually….

Wow. Impressive. The sun comes up at, what…like 7:20 now? Tell me you’re a lazy, unemployed piece of shit without telling me you’re a lazy, unemployed piece of shit. He’s so proud of himself for waking up before 7:20am.

Only a clueless, hopeless, brainless clown of a socialist would think this “climate corps” is a good idea.