Assistant To The City Manager Ryan Ward Says ALL City Employees Will Get 4% Raise. Absolutely Outrageous.

Once again, City council gives Finley exactly what he asks for. Apparently no wheeling or dealing or discussion. Just ANOTHER raise – one that is in excess of inflation.

Sales tax receipts are DOWN for three months straight, bankruptcies are RISING and layoffs are happening at a rapid rate out here in the real world.

We are on the cusp of a very ugly recession. People are going to be getting laid off left and right, and these government worms like Ryan Ward (who ALREADY have 100% job security) are getting MORE RAISES?!?


I can’t see how this is anything other than a massive failure of City council. There are MANY positions in our City government being paid FAR higher than average. Ward HIMSELF admitted our police chief is overpaid by 8%. But he will instead get ANOTHER 4% on top.

From today’s Radiogram:

This morning the Assistant City Manager of Lampasas Ryan Ward visited Lampasas Radio studios to visit with Ronnie Witcher about goings on in the city. They spoke briefly about the Public Hearing tonight (see story). Mr. Ward stated that the city is trying to keep the tax rate down but the property appraisals have increased so residents will see an effective tax increase.

The Assistant City Manager shared thatemployees of the City of Lampasas are in line to get a 4%pay increase this year, there will be salary adjustments and the city is looking at hiring a few more full time employees.

[Current “Truflation” number is 2.64%]

#1 – “The property appraisals have increased, so all you taxpaying suckers will unfortunately see an increase – nothing we can do about it!” This is a complete pile of shit and a lie, of course. The City can set the tax rate lower – down to a “no new revenue” level to keep everyone’s taxes similar to last year. But they aren’t. They need to squeeze MORE from the average citizen so that Finley’s salary can go from $156,000 to $162,240and Ryan Ward’s salary can go from $121,000 to $125,840.

Reminder: Ward has not even been with the City for two years, and his salary will have risen 14.4% (from $110,000 to $125,840)

I’ll repeat that again: Ryan Ward, who was hired at $110,000 in January of 2022 (despite the average salary for his position nationwide being $85,000) has gotten SEVERAL RAISES AND COLAS pushing his salary up OVER FOURTEEN PERCENT in 21 months.

Jody Cummings salary would go from $103,245 up to $107,374. Pretty good chunk of change considering the police chief of Burnet only makes about $74,000.

#2 – “There will be salary adjustments” – so the 4% universal raise isn’t enough. Other people will see MORE than that. Because “adjustments” are never in the downward direction.

#3 – Stacey Ybarra, one of the more useless appendages in City government, would see HER already-bloated salary go from $85,719 up to $89,147. Almost NINETY GRAND to waltz around with her clipboard and make up fake job creation numbers every month! Great work if you can get it.

Oh, and don’t forget about the BENEFITS!! The awesome health insurance plans that many in city Hall enjoy are going to increase in cost by THIRTEEN PERCENT this year. The City eats most of that cost.

As an example:

Old rates for 2022/2023: employee insurance costs $1,348.69 [City pays $969.61 and employee pays $398.88]

New rates for 2023/2024: employee insurance costs $1,548.58 [City pays $1,110.32 and employee pays $438.26]

That’s the Big Wigs at Lampasas City Hall for you: You can have an IQ of 85, make high six figures, never EVER get fired no matter how badly you fuck up, get 2 for 1 matching in retirement funds AND get gold-plated health insurance for about 70% off.

From YMCA Director nerd to $226,000 in salary and benefits PLUS a car allowance PLUS a free phone!