Shitbag Austin Teacher We Profiled Two Months Ago Gets Fired. Yay!!

Well, once in a while the right thing happens…even if it is for the wrong reasons.

Almost two months ago, we profiled a commie piece of shit named Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy:

Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy Is a Scumbag Commie “Teacher” Who Should Be Thrown Into a Wood Chipper.

She was not a real teacher, but rather a commie agitator from Oregon and California who clearly was just looking for an easy paycheck to pay her rent while she indoctrinated little kids with commie horseshit.

Commie shit sack now jobless. I love it.

In a beautiful series of events, she was canned by the Austin school system. You REALLY have to be a nutjob to be fired by your fellow commies in Austin. But her bigger sin was embarrassing her superiors with her moronic TikTok video.

Austin ISD teacher fired over viral TikTok video

It is worth a read. She was shocked…SHOCKED…that she was canned, even though it states EXPLICITLY in the rules that she shouldn’t be doing that TikTok crap. So delicious.

Of course, now that she is jobless, she will go on to become a full-time political parasite like other scumbag “teachers” before her who only worked for nine months but then spent the rest of their lives babbling about how hard it is to be a teacher and demanding outrageous pay and benefits – like fellow shitbags James “I had to drive an Uber for extra money” Talarico and Clayton “I babysat Chinese kids for 9 months once” Tucker:

So, what’s next for the educator?

“I’ve been coming to the capitol and advocating for teachers. And so often I was the only teacher in the room giving testimony on policies that would affect teachers directly in the classroom,” she said.

So she gets to do what she wanted all along: be a full-time piece of shit political parasite. With any luck, she will get hit by a bus on Congress Ave and do us all a favor.