Texas Commie Caucus Rejects Black Chick For State Chair. Endorses White Male Kendall Scudder – EXACTLY As I Predicted Just Five Weeks Ago.

As predicted, Jim Hightower’s catamite (aka Clayton Tucker) endorsed the white male running for Texas Dem party chair.

As I wrote barely a month ago:

But you don’t just come here for Clayton bashing. You also come here to see the future. So here it is: after all their bloviating about ranked choice this and democracy that, after all the forums and questionaries and “will he or won’t he…Clayton Tucker will endorse Kendall Scudder.

It will be difficult for Clayton to endorse Kendall Scudder because he is a WHITE MALE but he ultimately will. You know why? Because Jim Hightower endorses Kendall Scudder and Clayton Tucker is Jim Hightower’s catamite. He does as Jim says. It’s really that simple. Of course, Comrade Clayton will make a big show of pondering this Big Issue and consult with his fellow socialists on the TPC,but in the end it will be Kendall Scudder – bookmark this page.

No, no, no – hold your awe and applause. This was not a difficult prediction. It’s about as difficult as predicting my dog will take a shit when I see him doing his “fast-walk-shit-dancing-in-circles” out in the yard. You can clearly see that defecation is imminent. Same here.

Just to be clear: these Texas shitlibs are demanding that black women be promoted without merit in order to “diversify” professions like surgeon, airplane pilot and air traffic controller but they do NOT want a black woman for the super duper important task of running their state party.

Poor Della Parker-Mims – tossed aside like garbage by Comrade Clayton. Hell, she even wore a fake cowboy hat like him!! But Jim Hightower calls the shots and Comrade Clayton is a dancing monkey…so it was ALWAYS Scudder.

It does make me laugh, though. For two reasons:

#1 – Scudder is almost exactly ONE YEAR older (35) than Comrade Clayton himself. Yet Scudder has a real job and is about to run the entire state of Texas for the democraps. Poor Clayton, on the other hand, can’t hold down a real job or find his own place to live. He has to wake up with mom every day and wait for meemaw to die so he can inherit a house. And he “runs” the local Lampasas communists, who look like this:

That’s gotta eat him up inside at some level.

#2 – Scudder is a “principal” at “Armadilla Strategies,” which is a POLITICAL CONSULTANCY group! LOL. The DAY AFTER the election last November, Comrade Clayton himself was on social media whining and caterwauling about the greedy “corpodems” and the political consultant class stealing all the money while the Democrat party got left with a shit sandwich in their hands as they got utterly destroyed at every level.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Comrade Clayton is endorsing a white guy whose JOB is the very thing he hates most. That is delicious irony. Being Jim Hightower’s bitch definitely ain’t easy, eh Comrade??

Just DAYS after making a very fake and gay “political ad” promoting Colin All Red, Comrade Clayton bitched about what a shitty campaign Colin ran and how the CONSULTANTS stole all the money. He also insisted the party needed to move MORE to the left!!

Kendall Scudder is hardly “far left” as far as I can see. I mean, compared to ME, he is a rabid left-wing kook. But compared to the fools who run the Texas Socialist Caucus, he is basically Mitt Romney. I’m sure Scudder understands the way to win is to NOT kowtow to communist lunatics and tranny-loving freaks like Clayton Tucker because most of Texas wants nothing to do with that shit.

Poor Comrade Clayton. Forced to endorse a (1) white male who (2) skims money from dummy democrats to ‘consult’ and (3) is not the raging communist that the Texas Progressive Caucus would prefer. All because Jim Hightower endorses Scudder too!

Hilarious. Now go and get your shine box, bitch!!!