Holy Shnikees. Cousins Lobster Truck Coming To LAMPASAS?!?

Well, I NEVER thought I’d see this! I’ve been traveling to Marble Falls HTeaO and the Georgetown HTEaO for this for YEARS. They also catered my wedding in Connecticut a couple years ago.

My sister and her husband have lived in Connecticut for over 30 years and I visit every single year…and my FIRST stop is to get a hot lobster roll. Then I get 7 or 10 more while I’m there. It’s really the only good thing about Connecticut, because that state is high-tax and FILLED with shitlibs wearing masks and blabbering about Kamala Harris. My sister is a dummy for living there but that’s another story.

[Fun inflation fact: these things were $6.99 when I started buying them around 1996. Now they’re $24, so prices have more than tripled in the last 30 years. Thanks Federal Reserve and reckless government spending!! Luckily, the S&P 500 is up about 6x over the same time period.]

You can find the menu HERE. Yeah, it ain’t cheap but MAN is it good. I plan on spending a couple hundo there this Thursday in the hopes they put Lampasas on their regular schedule!