Far Left Greentards Wrong About Grid Once Again – Rhonda Witcher Edition.

Lefty clown horn Rhonda Witcher never misses a chance to throw some ridiculous left-wing “misinformation” into his bird-cage-liner of a newspaper:

As usual, none of the doom and gloom bullshit from the likes of Witcher and Comrade Clayton ever came to pass. In fact, I have not lost power since that freak 2021 storm. But that doesn’t stop douchebags like Rhonda Witcher from referring to the “awful” power grid in Texas.

The only thing “awful” about the Texas grid is that for some reason, the Powers That Be allowed a bunch of greentards to built thousands of unreliable pinwheels and solar farms instead of more nukes and nat gas turbines. If lefty morons like Witcher and Tucker never lived here in the first place and demanded gay windmills, we could have avoided wasting $100 billion on those things and instead have 15 kick-ass nuclear plants that run 24 hours a day.

But DESPITE the lefty morons, we still have a kick-ass grid and saner heads are prevailing:

$38.9 Billion In Proposed Texas Gas Plants Overwhelm Expectations

Fuck yeah.

I predict by the time I’m a really old fart in my 80s, Texas will STILL have the greatest grid in the nation and we will have many more kick-ass nuclear plants…and there will be rusting, obsolete, non-functioning windmills all over the landscape – a final testament to how gay and retarded the greenies were back in the 1990s and 2000s. We will use it as a lesson to school kids about how NOT to fuck up a power grid.

Speaking of fucked up power grids:

Maryland Democrats’ ‘Extremist’ Green Agenda Sparks Power Bill Crisis Crippling Households

Apocalyptic environmentalism by Maryland’s far-left Democratic leadership in Annapolis has plunged the state into a severe energy crisis, with power bills doubling in some cases and 20% of households in Central Maryland now behind on payments.

The worsening power crisis was detailed at length in a note last year titled Maryland “Can’t Import Itself Out Of Energy Crisis” Amid Urgent Need To Boost In-State Power Generation …

The takeaway is that Maryland’s far-left leadership is more focused on apocalyptic environmentalism—inherently de-growth and pro-inflation in nature—while also prioritizing illegal aliens over their citizens. This represents a major violation of their oath of office, which requires them to uphold the general welfare of citizens.

Marylanders are quickly learning that local elections matter. Electing far-left activists into positions of power who have no business being in managerial roles has severe consequences, and the most immediate one is the pocketbook. 

This comes from the local media outlet WMAR:

1.3 million BGE electric customers in Central Maryland, just over half of them also paying for natural gas, and more than 264,000 of them are behind on their bills

Clearly, Maryland is run by Haywoods, Witchers and Tuckers – who have fucked everything up beyond belief.

Here at my compound, I pay less than 10 cents per kwh. Maryland morons? They are paying over 18 cents per kwh – or 80% HIGHER. Good job, greentards! I enjoy watching you all suffer and go broke.

Viva Texas! Viva nuclear energy! Viva free markets and smart men choosing natural gas!!