This humiliation bus has no brakes….

I don’t think I’ve ever felt such overpowering second-hand embarrassment for anyone. When I was a single guy in my 20s and 30s, I was out every weekend chasing girls, playing on the dart and bowling teams, drinking til 2am and staggering to the burrito joint down the street, or golfing and playing poker with the boys. There may have also been some drugs involved a few times.
This nerd still lives with mom at 34 and can’t make a buck on the fake ranch he was handed by his grandpa. But instead of trying to improve his situation, he wastes his time blabbering to 12 cheesehogs about how great socialism is when the entire country is finally rejecting all that crap. Talk about not being able to read the room!!
Keep in mind the following as you look at this sad photo:
It’s a Saturday night.
Comrade Clayton drove HOURS and HOURS to go stand in a room with about a dozen fat losers and yammer about “power to the people” with a group of fellow dorks who will NEVER do a single thing to “return power to working Texans” because they all look either unemployed or they are Starbucks baristas at age 42.
The democrats just got their asses kicked harder than I ever remember in 55 years of life at both the federal and state level.

Trump is spending 16 hours a day destroying their dark money grifts and scams. A good 75% of America is now enraged at the shitlibs and their corruption while clowns like Comrade Clayton try to make us sympathize with fired grifters and scumbags. By the time the next elections come around, the shitlibs will have $0 in the bank and a few might even be in jail.

Trump is sending loons like Carol Garner Doughty to their therapists multiple times per week. He completely and permanently shattered their pea brains. They can barely function. They can’t even get out a coherent thought. They just scream “Nazi!” like insane retards.

Trump is only about 30 days into his presidency and he has crushed the shitlibs so badly they don’t even know where to start fighting back – they are sending out morons like Jasmine Crockett and AOC to try and mount a cogent defense, which is making them look even WORSE.

Ted Cruz just got re-elected in a landslide for six more years. The entire state went red in a BIG way.
And after ALL that,Comrade Clayton is stupid enough to stand there and think that they are ACTUALLY going to make any progress at all against the massive tsunami of voter rage and disgust with woke/progressive bullshit. Comrade Clayton is standing on the Titanic and he’s ass-deep in icy Atlantic Ocean water and he actually thinks everything is just fine!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone live in such a fantasyland in my entire life. He goes into a room of 12 fat nerds and blabbers cliches into a microphone and he actually thinks he’s a player and a big fish in the pond. He actually thinks his endorsements carry weight!!!
Dude….you are an absolute mosquito. You are like Michael Anthony Hall in Sixteen Candles: king of the dipshits. When you run for Ag Commissioner or whatever ridiculous plan you have up your sleeve, you are going to be shocked at how it turns out. I cannot wait.

Reminds me of a very sad Friday night he had not too long ago…