“Retired” City Manager Finley DeGraffenreid Actually Still On City Payroll. Gets $50,000 Per Year To ‘Work’ From Home. Oh, And Health Benefits Too!

So he retired last October, but not really. I wonder if he began drawing his pension even though he is still working for the City as a “project specialist/analyst” to the tune of $50,000 per year. Some people might call that “double dipping” but I have no way of knowing if that’s what’s happening.

No wonder the City was in no hurry to hire a new Assistant City Manager after that scumbag Ryan Ward abruptly quit and ran away to New Mexico for more money. They don’t need a $125,000 per year ACM anymore because now they have Finley for $50,000 per year! Which shows you EXACTLY what the ACM position should have been paid in the first place. Something I howled about when Ward was hired.

Here is the ACTUAL contract – no doubt drawn up by the City’s hack attorney J.C. Brown for a bargain price of several thousand dollars!

On the one hand, I guess we should be happy that the City got rid of the $125,000 per year ACM position and instead pay Finley $50,000 to do essentially the same job and probably to do it better, because Ward was a fucking moron, in my book. Viewed that way, the City is saving about $75,000 per year. Yipee.

On the OTHER hand, this whole thing feels very sketchy and was never publicly announced anywhere that I saw. I never read about it in any newspaper and they seemed to go out of their way to NOT mention Finley’s name in all the City council material – instead referring to the “project specialist” when needed.

Also sketchy is the fact that Finley will be compensated for his mountain of accrued vacation time (240 hours) he amassed but didn’t use before he retired – and he will be compensated at his OLD City Manager’s salary (over $155,000 per year). That also feels VERY sketchy. By my math, that’s about another $10,000 in Finley’s pocket. I guess I’ll have to do an ORR for every check written to Finley going back to October of last year up to present day to see what the ACTUAL compensation is.

Sections 9 and 10 of the contract (you can download at the link above) deal with accrued vacation and sick leave time. You can peruse it yourself.

Anyways, the cat is out of the bag boys, so you can go ahead and use “Finley” this and “Finley” that in all of your City council material.