Fat Village Dipshidiot Bruce Haywood Pokes Head Up To Make Fool Of Himself Yet Again.

Loose Haywire STILL blabbering about taxes – despite the fact he DOESN’T PAY ANY.

Based on attendance”? Bruce, weren’t you the dipshit who kept his daughter out of school for an entire year because you were scared of a cold virus that CLEARLY was zero threat to teenaged girls? Yes, yes you were:

I’m perfectly fine with public schools getting less money. The competition might finally force them to tighten their belts. There is no world where it makes sense for guys like “Doctor” Chane Rascoe to to make $220,000 per year to polish a seat.

It is a well-established FACT that the number of administrators in the school systems has EXPLODED over the years. THAT is where all the money is going Bruce, you fat fuck. Open the competition up for the school dollar and a lot of useless parasites lose their jobs, theoretically. I’m willing to give that a shot.

Non-stop money wasting on stupid shit

But Bruce is a parasitic, low-IQ libslob who spends his days stuffing Whattaburger down his gullet. So he doesn’t understand any of that. He’s still waiting for Trump to go to jail for “selling nuclear secrets,” lol.


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