You’d think an unemployed bum who spends his entire life on the Internet blabbering about politics and styling himself as a “leader” of several different non-profit political grifts would understand the difference between state and federal spending.
You’d also think a 34-year-old whose mom spent $80k on college for him would also know fourth-grade math and understand how to read little charts like this.
You’d be wrong on both counts!

If you add ALL of those up, it comes out to about $106 billion.
Of course, if you read the actual blurb up there, it says “SINCE 2000” – so these are the totals for a quarter of a century all added up. In other words, about $4 billion PER YEAR. Just for comparison, you should know that the federal governmentruns a DEFICIT of OVER $4 billion every single DAY.
Also, the USAID corruption that Comrade Clayton has been defending to the death blows though $40 billion per year – or TEN TIMES MORE than his little chart here.
FURTHERMORE, the biggest number on there by FAR is Boeing, which it states is MOSTLY STATE incentives. If the state of Washington is stupid enough to shovel $13 billion into the Boeing furnace, it’s no skin off my ass. No skin off the federal government’s ass either! So I guess it’s more like $3.5 billion per day now after you subtract $13 billion from the chart.
But wait, there’s more!
The Intel chunk of change was ALL Joe Biden unilaterally deciding to hand out money to a company worth over $200 billion – and Comrade Clayton was CHEERING that a year ago when it happened. I took a shit all over the idea, as you recall:
Intel Awarded $20 Billion In Chip Incentives For US Plants.
I even said “I wonder if Comrade Clayton will complain about “corporate subsidies” upon hearing this story? I’m guessing not – since Biden is the one handing out free money.“
General Motors? The greedy unions (which Comrade Clayton LOVES) sank that company and they had to be bailed out to the tune of $11 billion by the taxpayers. Frankly, I remember saying “fuck em – let them go under.”
Lastly, it says AGAIN on the above blurb that those totals ALSO include “state and local grants” but don’t say how much. So the total of $3.5 billion per year from the feds is STILL too high. It’s probably well under $3 billion per year.
So to summarize:
Comrade Clayton is having a shit about $3 billion per year going to corporations ostensibly to create jobs but then he defends the $40 billion being pillaged by USAID to produce NO discernible results except to flood the country with third-world trash.
He also loved the $20 billion for Intel a year ago but has flip-flopped 180 degrees on that, because he is a simpleton who never thinks anything through and has the memory of a goldfish.
Oh, and Comrade Clayton is ALSO a HUGE fan of the Green New Deal grift which has seen hundreds of billions go to companies that are now bankrupt and produce absolutely nothing of value and create zero jobs.
Do us all a favor and SHUT THE FUCK UP with your whining about “corporate subsidies.” You’re a moron socialist. If you had your way, EVERY company would be run by the government and misdirecting billions in tax dollars like the old USSR.
Just go back to mommy’s attic and put some more hats on your goats, you dunce.
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