So now it’s “authoritarian” for the duly-elected President of the United States to run the Executive Branch, of which he is the head? It’s “tyranny” to demand audits of departments and organizations which are Constitutionally under his purview?
LOL. Do the shitlibs really not realize how fucking stupid they look defending hundreds of billions of tax dollars being stolen and wasted?

Amazing that we weren’t close to a “constitutional crisis” when Joe Biden pardoned his family members and allies, defied court orders on policies he knew were illegal, and tried to tweet amendments into the constitution.
Nobody takes this seriously anymore, except smooth-brains like Clayton Tucker.
Incredible that the shitlibs REPEATEDLY pick 80%/20% issues and then stand on the 20% side and defend it to the death. Dumb stuff like men in dresses playing women’s sports or hundreds of billions of tax dollars unaccounted for or literally stolen.

I guess if you are a parasite who has never really paid any taxes, you don’t see the big deal. The rest of us are livid and support these audits and exposure of corruption 100%.
But by all means, keep sending deranged lunatics like Jizzman Crockett and Bernie Sanders out there to defend their corruption and graft. Then you can lose elections for the next 25 years. Morons.
There once was a rent boy named Tucker,
They all say he’s quite a cocksucker:
Hightower, O’Rourke
Brown guys who hate pork,
Plus a couple of dozen gay truckers.