Yes, I Have Found A Connection From The USAID Lefty Slush Fund To Clayton Tucker.

Unless you live under a rock, you now know that probably the biggest scandal ever to rock American politics and government is now blowing wide open. A group of 20-something geniuses [I warned you this was coming three months ago] have used their brains and AI skills to unravel the “ball of worms” that is USAID. A dark money slush fund pumping money into every dirty, rotten shitlib org on the planet. With YOUR money.

I’ve been sick with flu or Covid or some shit since Saturday so I’ll keep this succinct for now.

There is an OUTSTANDING search site built by “DataRepublican” that ANYONE can use to see which scumbags are grabbing the cash. It’s how they discovered Politico was getting $8 million a year to promote Biden and bash Trump. It’s how they found out Chelsea Clinton is getting $84 million for doing nothing.

[WikiLeaks: USAID Has Been Funding Over 6,000 Journalists Worldwide Across Nearly 1000 Platforms]

There has a been a wholesale looting of the Treasury for YEARS and nobody could unravel it, because it was so complicated.

Until now.

No wonder the shitlibs are howling and calling for violence in the street. Even local scumbag Comrade Clayton is angry – he is busy re-posting Chinese-born communist Gene Wu:

I wondered only a few short days ago how Farrukh Shamsi could afford to pump $1,000 per month into Comrade Clayton’s “Texas Progressive Caucus” non-profit grift. That’s the one he used to pay for Airbnbs in San Francisco last year.

Shamsi ALSO pumps another $1,000 a month into well-known shitlib laundering operation called “ActBlue” in addition to Comrade Clayton’s TPC:

Shamsi is a “Program Manager” at Texas Clinic – essentially a methadone clinic. I can almost guarantee you they receive MOUNTAINS of government money from HHS as well as money from the state of Texas. But we’ll get to that some other time.

This guy is funneling almost $100,000.00 into shitlib causes! That’s a lot of money for a “program manager” at a methadone clinic!

But he is ALSO a director at “Emgage – which is a far-left muslim organization undermining the U.S Constitution every chance they get. The type of shitlib org that Rashida Tlaid promotes.

If you type “Farrukh Shamsi” into the search engine, you get a hit – and it generates a giant map of all the shell corporations funneling money into “Emgage” – YOUR tax dollars:

The name “Emgage” REALLY rang a bell with me. So I searched my own blog. Sure enough, I wrote about them nearly TWO years ago when Comrade Clayton went to one of their events to get a picture with America-hating Sasquatch while wearing an Arabic pin on his lapel:

You know who else sits on Comrade Clayton’s “Texas Progressive Caucus” as a “Vice president“? M Emad Salem, who I’m 98% sure wasn’t born in this country and is HEAVILY involved in all this muslim shit as well:

For a time, the TPC was just Comrade Clayton himself. He founded it and was the sole operator. Now, M Emad Salem is a “vice president” and then another muslim buddy of his starts pumping $1,000 a month (total of $24,950!!) into Clayton Tucker’s grift! What a coincidence!!

No WONDER Comrade Clayton is screaming bloody murder about “oligarchs” and Elon Musk stealing from everyone. Comrade Clayton is about to see his funds dry up, methinks.

So USAID is funneling money to Emgage to rile up a bunch of communist, foreign-born muzzies who are now infesting (and financially supporting) OTHER commie organizations like Comrade Clayton’s “Texas Progressive Caucus” – the same caucus that was endorsing numerous muzzies for the Texas legislature like foreign-born muzzie Salman Bhojani!

I’ve been talking about this connection for a VERY long time. Now many more dots have been connected.

I’m going back to bed. I’ll be digging WAY deeper into all this bullshit over the next few months. Comrade Clayton is going to have a microscope up his ass for the next few years.