Wow! Local meats at the local farmers market tomorrow. Cool.

[Bison Cove is the guy that jammed a meatflag into Clayton Tucker’s backyard a few months ago.]
Surely RX Hobby Ranch will be there, right? The Nazi-saluting ‘founder’ of RX Ranch Lampasas, Clayton Tucker, lives only three blocks from this market in his mom’s house! What a great opportunity to sell some beef and make some money.
Well, not exactly….

He’s going to waste 12 hours driving round-trip to McAllen to hear the exact same bullshit he heard LAST weekend with the same people. Guess he’s thinking he can sell a few more $5 memberships to his Texas Progressive Caucus Cookie Jar and Tucker Vacation Fund and bilk more poor fools out of their money.
Big Ag Monopoly strikes again! Those damn Big Corporations keeping the little guy down. So unfair.
[The funniest part is that after ALL these ridiculous forums and roundtables and Zoom conventions, Comrade Clayton will endorse Kendall Scudder. Take it to the bank. So this is ALL just a colossal waste of time.]