Is President Of Texas Progressive Caucus Using TPC Money To Pay For His Personal Airbnb In San Francisco?!?

Well, this is certainly odd.

According to Transparency USA, the Texas Progressive Caucus spent a pile of money on Airbnb’s in….San Francisco??

Coincidentally, Comrade Clayton Tucker, who is a “co-founder” and current president of TPC, happened to be in San Francisco for “work” just weeks prior to this disbursement!

According to his own post, it was a “work trip” with his supposed “real job” with the Trade Justice Education Fund. A “job” that seems to entail little more than re-posting one of their tweets every 4 or 5 months.

[TJEF is an influential POWERHOUSE – with a whopping 321 followers on Twitter.]

So if this was a “work trip” for Trade Justice Education Fund, then why didn’t THEY pay for your lodgings? Why skim money from your little non-profit that is funded by poor socialists some of whom donate as little as $2.50 a month??

Or maybe TJEF isn’t really your job at all? Perhaps your job is pilfering the cookie jar of the Texas Progressive Caucus?

There was ANOTHER for $909.29 back in March of last year too. This one was for “convention lodging” in San Francisco….

It’s all very confusing because last I checked, San Francisco was not located in Texas. You’d think the TEXAS Progressive Caucus, who is ostensibly committed to implementing disastrous socialist policies in TEXAS would actually confine their gallivanting to the state of Texas.


I look forward to dismantling more TPC financial filings in the near future. We might even dig down and find out where Farrukh Shamsi gets all HIS money! Wouldn’t shock me one bit if it was from the HHS itself. We shall see.