Wait wait wait wait……lemme just get this straight…

Clayton Tucker is trying to dunk on Donald Trump?
Clayton Tucker who:
Lives with mom at age 34.
Was handed property, sheds, cattle panels, dozens of animals and a tractor by the four generations of fake ranchers before him and STILL can’t make a living as a “rancher” with beef prices at historical highs.
Is literally sitting in a barn on a Friday night taking selfies with a male goat he named “Cinnabon.”

Lost every single campaign he ever ran – including City council and state senator. And none of them were even close.
Has never been seen in the company of a female human outside of his commie meetings with Kristi Lara, a bloated pig from Dallas.
Had his mommy get him an internship at the Williamson County Attorney’s office AND as a legislative aide and STILL couldn’t turn that into a parasitic political job.
Lied about trying to pay off the lunch debt of the local school system – and got caught doing it.
‘Worked’ for a commie organization that failed not long after he joined it.
Is dunking on TRUMP?!? Trump who:
Won the very first political office he ever ran for in his life – and it happened to be president.
Got cheated out of a second term but then CAME BACK and won non-consecutive terms for only the second time in American history.
Is the most famous and recognizable person on the entire planet.
Was shot in the face but immediately jumped up and put his fist in the air like a boss.
Worth billions.
Has banged and married numerous smoking hot females like Melania Trump.
Has produced a bunch of smart, good-looking and successful kids – kind of the OPPOSITE of liberal fuckups like Hunter Biden and Kamabla Harris’s hideous, loser stepdaughter.
Is that about it? And Clayton Tucker has the nerve to try and take a shit on Trump???
I TOLD you they were losing their minds ahead of the inauguration!!
Thirty-four-year-old Clayton Tucker’s pudgy, communist beard:

Seventy-eight-year-old Trump’s wife:

Yeah. Keep trying to dunk, you total loser.