Did I type “cunt” again? I meant “AUNT.” I’m not sure why my finger always slips over on that word when describing rabid left-wing, elitist hypocrite Carol Garner Doughty of Lenox Massachusetts.
Anyways, I have been enjoying thinking of that old witch freezing her ass off in 15-degree weather for the next two weeks.

It brought me joy thinking of her shitty Prius and Tesla sliding all over the black ice and crashing into trees. Of her berating her cuckold “white guys for Harris” husband about their wood pellet stove not keeping the house warm enough for her bony ass. About her slipping down the icy stairs and breaking her hip.
These were all joyful visions that danced in my head.
Unfortunately, crazy cunt Carol and her cuckold have apparently scurried back to “violent, bloody” Texas that they were so embarrassed to be a part of 5 months ago to cheat Old Man Winter.

She was all excited to wear her new spiked boots, too! Whatever the hell those are.

Like all pussy hypocrite liberals, the minute things got slightly uncomfortable, all that ‘save the world’ shit goes right out the window.

Do you think they drove their shitty Prius or Tesla the 1,900 miles from Lenox to Austin? I guarantee you they did not. They hopped on a big old carbon-spewing airplane that runs on the very fossil fuels they want to ban and very likely flew first-class as well – burning even MORE carbon per person!

So the same two morons who are petrified of “global warming” and were all smug and superior about moving north to Massachusetts to escape it (yes, cuckold Jeff posted about that very thing) are now running back here to Texas with their tails between their legs to keep warm.
[Here is a stat for all you global-warming morons: cold weather kills about TEN TIMES more people than hot weather. Fact. It is especially hard on old, frail people…like Carol and Jeff. Which is why so many scumbag New Yorkers have moved to and ruined my beloved home state of Florida.]
What ABSOLUTE weak-ass, hypocritical scumbag pussies. Nauseating. I can see why her son is such a weakling and failure with them as role models.

I wonder where they are staying while in Austin? After all, they sold their mansion and their son is still a “college boy” at age 27. I also doubt any of their friends could tolerate Crazy Cunt Carol in their house for more than 90 minutes.
My guess is that cuckold husband Jeff will be pulling his wallet out for an expensive hotel or AirBnB for the next 7-10 days.
This is how the far-left, elitist 1% live: they tell you to get rid of fossil fuels and live like a caveman, but THEY can spend $10,000 on air fare and hotels to go live in a warmer state for a week or two to avoid any unpleasantness.
Fuck them.