No surprises here. When you let greentards wreck your energy sector so you pay 2x or 3x more than anyone else for energy, you will go down the toilet. That’s why you see Volkswagen manufacturing plants shutting down.
Throw in unfettered muzzie invaders from North Africa and elsewhere committing most of the crime, and you have a big mess on your hands.

Of course, many very stupid Germans who live in Texas spend their time telling us how much better Germany is than the United States. A child could see that is not true, but many of these dummy krauts are not even as smart as a child.

Dummy krauts like Christine Seefeldt (a real estate broker in Killeen who is likely only in this country because she spread her legs for an American military man stationed in Germany) like to bash America whenever they can and tell us we need more socialism, more Joe Bidens and less Trump.
Of course, these same dummy krauts have been in the United States for over 25 years and STILL cannot write or speak proper English, so their opinions mean nothing.
I once again make my offer to buy dummy kraut Tina Seefeld a first-class ticket to Germany if she promises to never set foot in the United States again.