Easily-rattled, mentally disturbed libskank Carol Garner Doughty is elated it is finally snowing in her new town of Lenox MA….

This is not the first time she has yammered about “spiked boots.” I have personally never worn nor even HEARD of “spiked boots” for the winter – and I suffered some brutal winters in Chicago over 14 years. It must be something rich, old dummies pay $700 for.
What I DO know is that this moron who wants to get rid of fossil fuels tomorrow is going to freeze her wrinkled, bony ass off this winter. I’m praying for one of those “coldest in 50 years” winters so she suffers greatly. With any luck, she’ll slip and break her hip in the next few weeks and I can laugh about that, too.

I’m sure the Tesla and the Prius will do WONDERFULLY in a foot of snow when it’s -8 degrees next month. BAHAHAHAHAHA. I’ll be sure to send her a Trump Christmas card from sunny, 65-degree Texas about then.

So on my bingo card I have…
Slips and breaks hip. Slips and fractures skull. Slips and shatters kneecap. Tesla dies in freezing weather. Tesla stuck in foot of snow. Tesla retractable door handles frozen shut. Prius won’t start in cold. Husband to hospital in snow blower mishap. Complaints about roads not being plowed quickly enough for her satisfaction. Takes trip to Europe on fossil-fuel-powered airplane to “get away from this ridiculous cold.” Complains about pellet stove not keeping house warm enough.
Searches For ‘Cords Of Wood’ Hit Record As Cold Blast Chills Lower 48