theriocide (countable and uncountable, plural theriocides)
- (countable, uncountable) The killing of a non-human animal by a human.
- (countable, uncountable) Actions caused by humans which lead to the death of non-human animals
Can’t stop, won’t stop. He’s just burning through the baby goats like hot piss through snow.
After the death of the unfortunately-named dwarf goat Splenda, Comrade Clayton admitted he lost ANOTHER baby goat. Not only that, ANOTHER baby is “real real sick” so he “ordered some medicine”….

Wait…what?? You ORDERED medicine?!? You lazy fuck! When my animals are sick, I drive the 20 minutes each way to Tractor Supply in a panic and get what I need TODAY! Or go see Tina at Hoffpauir Ranch Supply. Or, more likely, I ALREADY have it at my house in case of emergency. And I’m not even a fake 5th-generation rancher!
[Tractor Supply is literally walking distance from Comrade Clayton’s mom’s house where he resides in the upstairs bedroom, btw]
Perhaps if you spent more time on grandpa’s ‘ranch’ and less time in DALLAS spinning your wheels with commie morons like Kristi Lara and that muzzie on the right whose accent is so thick you can’t even understand him, your goats wouldn’t be dropping like flies!

Yes, just the group you want to “defend the schools”: a couple of childless communists, a foreign-born muzzie, a guy who is pushing 80 years old, a gay-looking Asian dude, and a shrunken gnome who is definitely over 100 years old. What a dream team!!!
Christ man. Seriously, you have no clue what you are doing. This is the ritual torture/murder of cute little goats. There has to be a better way to take out your sexual and political frustrations than this.
Seek help.