I missed this Monday night because I haven’t watched the City council meeting yet, but it was in the Radiogram:
“Janet Crozier was appointed to fill the vacancy on the CIP (capital improvement project) committee”
How could a Grade A moron end up on that board when there was another FAR more qualified candidate on the list as well? Apparently the other guy on the list (Bob Chapman) was on the board previously and quit. I don’t know the exact details, but that is the reasoning.

So let me get this straight:
CIP Board two nights ago: a FAR smarter and more qualified guy quit this board once before (probably because he had to deal with morons of Crozier’s caliber) and he is radioactive and we MUST give a new person a shot, no matter how big of a dingbat she is.
LEDC Board two weeks ago: members who have been there for over a DECADE and who have done nothing but fail and waste money are retained on the board and all the new people who applied can go pound sand.
Is that about right? Seems a bit….inconsistent, to say the least.
Oh well – at least there are seven other board members to overrule all her bad ideas. They can just stick her in the corner with a “super easy” Sudoku puzzle for the entire meeting and keep her occupied.