You don’t want to miss this. Comrade Clayton Tucker making a ridiculous “political ad” video where he tries to look all serious and erudite (look it up, Comrade) but actually looks like a compete tool bag.
The best part is at the 5 or 6 second mark where he is thrusting his hand down in a karate chop like he is emphasizing some brilliant point, but nobody at the table is even looking at him! LOL. All posing for the camera.

Then he edits and cuts the video about 6 times in 4 seconds so he resembles an old Max Headroom video from 1985. If you’re an old fart like me, you remember who Max Headroom is. An electronic stuttering/jittering head on the screen. The only difference is that Max Headroom had a sharp wit and sense of humor. Comrade Clayton is a refrigerator magnet.
Just a small reminder as Comrade Clayton blathers about the plight of the family farm/ranch: there is a farmers’ market every Saturday literally TWO BLOCKS from Comrade Clayton’s mom’s house where he lives in the upstairs bedroom. His “RX Ranch” (incorporated only 10 months ago) has sold ZERO farm products and ZERO ranch products at that market, despite his whining about how hard it is to make a buck as a “family farm.”
He has also STILL not completed the website he promised on December 15, 2023 to “sell meats locally.”

His fake ranch has also sold ZERO meat to the local school system and ZERO meat to the local food pantry – although he did give them some shitty “glyophate-filled” Froot Loops one time and bragged about it.

He also bragged about trying to pay off the school lunch debts over at the Lampasas School District, but that turned out to be a lie as well.
Every single thing this kid does is a lie. Remember that as he cries over the plight of his fake family farm/ranch.
Coming soon: a huge compilation of every lie Comrade Clayton has told over the years. My gift to whoever his opponent is when he runs for Ag Commissioner in 2025/2026.