According to Clayton Tucker’s latest Substack post:
I know that in Lampasas ISD, a small and rural district, we had about $5,000-7,000 [in school lunch debt] the last time we checked. Under my direction, the Lampasas County Democratic Party offered to pay off a sizable chunk of the debt, but the ISD sadly refused to accept our check. They called it “unfair” to pay off only some but not all, which, in our opinion, is like saying if I can’t get a flu shot, then I don’t want any medical treatment at all.
First of all, the flu shot analogy is retarded and doesn’t work at all. Additionally, shitlibs like Comrade Clayton actually DID say that very thing back in 2021 when they said “if you don’t get the Covid vaccine, you shouldn’t be admitted to a hospital for anything else,” you absolute moron.
BUT, putting that aside: what does our good “Doctor” Chane Rascoe say about this?!? Did the Lampasas Democrats offer to pay off a “sizable chunk” and get declined because it was “only partial payment”? How big was the “sizable chunk”? Why not just pay down every student’s debt in the same proportion?
For instance, if the Lampasas Socialists…I’m sorry Democrats….offered to pay 30% of the outstanding balance, then when not take it and reduce every kid’s balance by 30%?
This story is awesome because either:
#1 – Comrade Clayton is lying his ass off here (I doubt it because this is too easy to check)
#2 – the good “doctor” Rascoe DID turn down free money, and is thus a complete moron. Seriously, he gets paid $188,000 per year to pull an idiot move like that?!?
Guess we have to email the good doctor and see what he says! All teachers reading this PLEASE forward to other teachers and find out if this is true. Any info can be sent to
I’ll also be emailing the good doctor myself to see what happened here.
P.S. – Trust Fund Tucker, who lives rent-free with mom and thus has close to zero living expenses, actually has over TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS sitting in his retarded Bluebonnet PAC doing absolutely nothing. That money has been sitting there for over a YEAR, at the least. Why not take $7,000 of that money and pay off the LISD school lunch debt if you’re so concerned about it, douchebag?

P.P.S. – Fake rancher Tucker has NEVER donated OR EVEN SOLD AT A DISCOUNT so much as a SINGLE hamburger patty from his “ranch” to the school. In fact, ANOTHER ranch from out of town is currently providing fresh beef to OUR school district! This makes Clayton Tucker look like a complete buffoon with his complaints. Put up or shut up, you absolute clown horn.