Elitist Libskank Carol Garner Doughty Descends From Ivory Tower with Message For Peasants

Libskank Carol is at it again! She has spoken from her 98% white, super rich gated community to inform you all of REALITY.

Yes that’s right: the twat whose daughter thinks she’s a man (and also TWO people) and whose ‘son’ is still hiding in school and unemployed in his 30s while looking for a DEI job is lecturing you on how the real world works. LOL!!!

She’s mad about all the “misinformation,” ya’ll.

The evil, elitist twat who spent the better part of two years calling Ivermectin “horse paste” and telling us all that the ‘vaccine’ was safe and effective is now mad about ‘misinformation.”

OK, bitch!

Of course, there are piles of information, videos, eyewitnesses in NC and links to FEMA spending that ALL corroborate the FACT that FEMA has blown BILLIONS on illegal invaders and “equity” bullshit and is now broke and unable to perform their primary function.

Twitter is LITTERED with posts and videos of people IN THE ZONE who are describing how FEMA was late getting there and fucking things up since arriving.

George W. Bush was ripped apart for showing up three days after Katrina hit. Joe Biden shows up seven days later and no one in the press even mentions it.

Special ops vets form ‘Redneck Air Force’ to ferry aid into NC mountains after feds come up short: ‘Who’s FEMA?’

Just look at all that “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy” oppressing damsels in distress!

But hey, libskank Carol spent the last week with her Wallet in a fancy cottage on Cape Cod blathering about the ocean on social media. So CLEARLY, she MUST be 100% in the know about what is happening in N.C.

Also, remember that this demanding CUNT had an absolute BIRD when no Mexicans or black people arrived within 24 hours on her street in Texas to chainsaw a few trees that had fallen down back in 2021. But N.C. people who have been abandoned with no water, food or power for 10 days are just spreading misinformation and being impatient jerks.

She also wants you to know that Kamala Harris is SO SMART and SO STRONG and SO GOOD!!!

Here is an actual video of the “super smart and strong” Kumswalla Harris using a shovel….

I’ll summarize for you: she is 60 years old and DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO HOLD A SHOVEL.

This proves she is a certified moron. It also proves she is incredibly lazy and arrogant because she couldn’t even do the 10 seconds of “work” and preparation to maybe make SURE she didn’t look like a complete asshole for her big photo op. She’s also too stupid to look over and see how her scumbag husband (the woman beater) is holding HIS shovel– proving she is incapable of learning a basic task by mimicry. Even a rhesus monkey can do that!!

Stupid, lazy, arrogant and entitled is NOT what I want in my president.

These people are the most elitist, out-of-touch, self-serving, sociopathic, lying sacks of shit to ever live. They would unplug your life support system to charge their cell phone. They hate you. Libskank Carol is too fucking stupid to see that because SHE also hates you…and America.

Tee hee hee! Another vacation far away from gross illegal Haitians and hurricane destruction! Tee hee! Kamabla ROCKS! Tee hee!

Wait a sec. A low-IQ communist pretending to be “working class” and using tools and videoing themselves doing it COMPLETELY WRONG? Where have I seen that before??

Oh yeah….

Comical Video Of Socialist Nitwit “Repairing” Tractor Good For Several Belly-Laughs

Socialist Idiot Who Is Not a Farmer and Doesn’t Know How To Repair Tractors (Or Use Wrench) Demands Farmers Get Right To Repair Tractors

Socialist Vermin And Self-Proclaimed “5th-Generation Rancher” Consults YouTube To Make Splint. Calls Blu-Kote “Blue Note”