Socialist Nerd Wonders Why He Fails At “Ranching.”

Another day, another useless and meaningless [convention/meeting /rally/gathering] so Marxists can jerk each other off and convince themselves that [Beto/Allred/random commie] has a chance of winning in Texas.

Comrade Clayton: “Big Ag is making it impossible for ranchers to make a buck! Monopolies! Corporate profits! Whaaahhhhh”

Also Comrade Clayton: “Here I am wasting yet another day at another stupid, unpaid gathering far away from my ‘ranch’ taking pictures of myself with a bunch of retarded old ladies! I hope mom is watering my goats!”

It reminds me of how Julie Cain Landrum constantly cried online about the “plight” of the small business owner but then only opened her lemonade stand for about 12 hours a week and then closed it for weeks at a time.

Reminder: she went out of business doing that, Comrade! She didn’t have a mom to house and feed her, however.

But don’t worry – Comrade Clayton has a “day job” with the Trade Justice Education Fund. A nonprofit joke that pays him next to nothing. His “job” is to occasionally re-tweeting arcane, obscure shit nobody cares about. Like this:

Looks like hard, satisfying work! I’m sure it pays SUPER well, too!