This Will Blow Comrade Clayton’s Tiny Communist Mind.

The 4 things that happened after Argentina REMOVED rent controls:

1) Supply increased by >170%.

2) Rent growth eased to 3-year low.

3) Rentals became easier to find + “many renters are getting better deals than ever.”

4) Inflation cooled.

“Opponents of price controls say Argentina is a cautionary lesson for officials from the U.S. to Europe who have looked to curb surging housing costs with rent controls.”

None of this is a surprise. Remember that it’s not just “landlords” who oppose rent controls. Science, history and academia oppose rent controls even more loudly and more credibly.

If we want to get serious about improving rental affordability, we need to get more serious about building a lot more housing. Anything else is just noise distracting from the root issues.

Rent control is price control. Price controls DO NOT WORK – whether it’s the price of gasoline, oil, food or anything else. Moron socialists need to learn this lesson.

Javier Milei kicks ass.