LEDC Board Appointments Tabled For Now.

No decision was made last night on the LEDC board situation.

At least there were some good points made by citizens and council and a few people are waking up to the fact that this group has been VERY insulated for a very long time – while squandering millions with no results.

Somebody brought up a lame point about some rule about board members living in the City or something. I couldn’t hear it all because the $96,000 Azbell A/V system is a piece of shit half the time. But what I WOULD say to something like that is this: Stacy Ybarra lived about an hour away from our City and nobody seemed to have a problem with that. And THAT was a very-well paid position.

If a board member lives a couple miles outside the “official” City limits but essentially spends all their time and money in “Lampasas proper” then who the hell cares??