That’s rich! Carol is the shriveled, cunty Texas libshit who moved to Lenox Massachusetts – which is 98.57% white. She also joined an exclusive country club within DAYS of moving there. I’ll bet her a MILLION dollars there are no cat-eating, towel-headed invader scum on the member rolls at Wyndhurst Golf Club – unless they are in the kitchen washing dishes. I doubt they even allow them in there.
Lenox also has an average income over over $110,000 per year. It’s where rich, lily white elitist twats go to get as far away from the border and brown/black people as they can.
#1 – you don’t NEED to “cross a desert” to become an American. You need to get in line and go through the proper channels…not sneak through the bushes or dig under a fence. You dumb twat.
#2 – they are not “becoming an American” and assimilating. They are running around with towels on their heads and demanding the rules be changed for them.

They are taking oaths of office on the Qur’an. They are eating the cats.

I once again send my prayers to heaven that Carol Garner Doughty get carjacked, beaten and raped by an illegal. THAT is true justice. THAT, unfortunately, is they only way dummies like her will wake up to reality.
Just ask Rachel Morin’s five kids.
Mother of Five Murdered By Illegal