Welp, just 4.5 months after Mercer/Fulton decided to toss their Wong, Happy Panda is closing their doors. This isn’t because the restaurant sucked or the owners are shady cunts. No, it’s because all of YOU are meanies unable to see what saints and heroes the owners are! Just ask Gennifer Cook-Gass, proprietor of Moldy McShitButter Inc.

Protecting minors in the face of danger!!! Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear feather boas, too!

The danger was SO GRAVE, in fact, that zero police reports were filed, zero charges were filed and zero arrests were made for them!
Kind of reminds me of the “vandalism” that also befell poor Saint James not long ago. No reports. No asking to check nearby cameras. Just a lot of grandstanding and and false modesty.
[It also reminds me of the lying sacks of shitlibs who constantly say they “received death threats” from evil right wingers, but strangely they never report it to the police or have any recordings.]
I have to say I nailed that one, when I said a few months ago I can see this being a very quick downfall. As I wrote back in May:
Anyways, this thing smells like Kristi Noem and her dog or maybe Tiger Woods and his SUV crash in 2009 when it came out he was actually banging like 30 Denny’s waitresses and his entire life imploded overnight. I can see that happening with a Happy Panda boycott. The restaurant biz is a tough one, but if 90% of the town thinks you fucked over the sympathetic figure of Quan Wong, I’m guessing you won’t last long.
Hey, there’s a limerick in there somewhere…..
- There once was a guy who loved schlong
- Who dumped his new partner, named Wong
- He angered his City
- It doesn’t look pretty
- I don’t think this place will last long