The Dummy Kraut is at it again in her broken English. You’d think someone who had been here almost THIRTY YEARS would know the difference between “built” and “build”…..

According to the Dummy Kraut, we Americans are all lazy morons and the entire country was built by immigrants! I’d like to point out that back in the early 1900s when people were immigrating here, they were (1) doing it LEGALLY (2) came mainly from European/white nations like Ireland, Britain, Poland and Italy and had shared Western values (3) got ZERO welfare or handouts (4) had IQs over 70, which is the IQ of the average Haitian and (5) they assimilated into our country. They didn’t run around eating fucking cats and wearing towels on their heads, you dumb twat.
If they are all such industrious, hard-working geniuses then why is Haiti such a complete shithole??? Riddle me that, Dummy Kraut.
The U.S. isn’t made up of “magic dirt” where you can transport Haitians here and all of a sudden they are productive geniuses. If you took all the Haitians and put them in Norway while you took all the Norwegians and put them in Haiti, in five years Haiti will be normal and Norway will be shit.
Haiti is shit because it’s filled with Haitians. Any place you fill with Haitians will have similar issues.

“I wish I had 30 more Haitians” – says this moron. Well asshole, the government dumped 20,000 of them into your town. If you can’t find 30 more, that tells me the other 19,970 are totally useless. Who takes care of them? Oh right – the taxpayer!
This is why businesses love Haitian workers: An American citizen gets paid $16.50 per hour. No food stamps. No Social Security. No cash assistance. No rent assistance. No free car. No free car insurance. A Haitian gets paid $9 per hour and they get everything else paid for. But dummy Krauts who can’t spell don’t understand this at all.
After considering all the federal benefits, it’s likely the Haitian is making double, or perhaps much more than that, of what an American worker would make. Probably upwards of $30 per hour, and the employer only has to pay $9 of that. No wonder they make such willing workers.

I think dummy Krauts like Tina Seefeldt should take 3 or 4 of these Haitians into HER home and take care of them. See how long she keeps singing her retarded tune.

RELATED – Haitians drivers getting into 8 to 10 accidents per day. Killing Americans.