Did Anyone With The City Take Illegal Kickbacks From “Greasy” Chris Harrison Or S2M2? Did Talbert Get Handed An Envelope Of Cash?

I really hate to ask it that way, but when the City tells me that “there are no responsive documents” when it comes to the $185,000 in tax dollars they handed over the S2M2, I really have to wonder if someone is on the take.

Their official latest response?

Regarding your specific request, it met the 3 year retention schedule as of October 2023, so I cannot speak to or provide you a copy of the invoice that was provided in 2020.” 

So the City just destroyed documents pertaining to a FOUR YEAR agreement after only THREE years? Why the big hurry?

Don’t forget that during the ENTIRE term of the agreement, S2M2 repeatedly violated the terms: they only have 8 of the promised 22 houses completed, and they NEVER submitted any progress reports (as required by the agreement) over the last four years!

S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Has Been Violating Their Agreement With The City For YEARS. City Has Not Enforced Any Provisions – Despite Handing Them $185,000 In Taxpayer Money.

Since they are nowhere NEAR living up to their end of the bargain,why the hell would the City throw away any documents they had pertaining to this? Did “Greasy” Chris Harrison meet Misti Talbert in a parking lot after she rammed this through for him and get a big envelope of cash? Because that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. Remember, Misti was employed as a bookkeeper for Harrison for quite a while.

Or maybe it was Finley being handed envelopes of cash. I have wondered about that scenario more than a few times over the last 6 years as I watched the former YMCA Director spend anywhere from 3x to 10x what a job was worth.

This ridiculous $185,000 payout was turned down initially, but then S2M2 hired “Greasy” Chris Harrison to go to his former City council buddies to beg for the money – and lo and behold: Misti THEN said “we need to rethink this detention pond.”

If you need your memory refreshed, here is a synopsis I wrote FOUR years ago when this all went down:

City Hands Former Council Member “Greasy” Chris Harrison and Developer S2M2 $185,000 In City Funds For Brodie Estates