Lampasas Socialist Clayton Tucker REALLY Loves Dick.

Considering the lefties spent decades calling Dick Cheney a war monger, Darth Cheney, Hitler and worse – Comrade Clayton sure is excited about the endorsements of warmonger scumbag RINO Dick Cheney and his equally unhinged traitorous daughter Liz!

You’ll recall Liz got destroyed in her Congressional race by the largest margin in U.S. history.

Here’s what Liz had to say about Comrade Clayton’s hero Kamabla Harris not too long ago:

On the one side, you have two establishment, warmongering RINOS who are willing to watch the country burn just to spite Trump. They are thoroughly diseased with Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are also Deep State, establishment shills like Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. I say screw all those turds…you can have them.

On the OTHER hand, you have well-respected, rational democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. endorsing Trump. They understand what is at stake.