Finally, a keen mind has taken up this cause! A person who is the epitome of logic, reason and critical thinking. The kind of sharp analytical mind that believed a cloth mask would stop an aerosolized virus and DEMANDED everybody wear one!
The kind of rational and thoughtful person who blindly injects herself with an untested ‘vaccine’ for a minor cold virus and ends up injuring herself.
Ladies and gentlemen….I give you…Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris!

Thank goodness the woman who has lived here for barely a year thought to call TCEQ! Probably NOBODY who has lived in Lampasas for many years ever thought to do that! Truly, hers is a dizzying intellect. The kind of dizzying intellect who was easily convinced that cops were running around murdering black men at a high rate for no apparent reason (they weren’t).

The kind of wizard who saw Joe Biden slurring his words, falling down and rambling incoherently for three years straight and said “that’s just a stutter, you meanie!”
In short, a total buffoon.
I can just about guarantee you that the “burning sensation” she thinks she feels in the shower is psychosomatic. I know this because well over 50% of liberal women are mentally ill. It’s science.
She just SO badly wants to be “on a team” and be part of the group, she’ll glom onto anything and pretend like she’s suffering too. She did it with BLM, she did it with Covid and masking, she did it with ‘vaccines’ and she did it with the ‘misinformation’ censoring bullshit.
In short, she has a tiny, weak mind that is easily broken and manipulated.

Poor potato head is “spending a small fortune” on bottled water! Sure you are, sweetie! Didn’t you sell your Austin mansion for close to a million dollars and then buy your mom’s house here for like $250,000? Seems like you probably have a bit left over.
I know you spent a pile of money doing a renovation on that house AND you likely threw a chunk of money at your mom’s ridiculous tea party a couple weeks ago, but I doubt you have trouble spending $1.30 for a gallon of distilled water at Walmart.
Water that USED to be 99 cents for many, many years by the way – until fucking morons like you voted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into office.

Poor baby has to spend $30 a month on drinking water from Wal-Mart! She DEMANDS restitution! LOL. Maybe you can throw a tea party to raise the funds for that, eh?
Anyway, you can all rest easy now that we have her bulbous, potato-shaped cranium hard at work on this seemingly intractable water problem!