Local socialist Clayton Tucker is very proud that he got 120 deadbeats to come and mooch free food off of him!
You can even see Ohio/Austin locust Janet “Crazier” Crozier in there showing her support for socialism and the further destruction of America!

You’d think a person who left Ohio because it sucks and then left Austin Texas because it was “too expensive” would learn her lesson and stop trying to shit in her new nest.

You’d be wrong. In fact, one of the FIRST THINGS that dummy Crozier did when she infested Lampasas was start badgering City council for an expensive new recycling program – so she could help fuck up her new town, too!
Potato Head did the same thing! She ditched Austin after Marxists like herself turned it into a hellhole and then infested Lampasas.

Crozier and her microcephalic daughter Potato Head Fitzharris are BIG supporters of local socialist Comrade Clayton.

Dummies like Janet Crozier and Stephanie Fitzharris cannot WAIT to vote for a dyed-in-the-wool socialist who has helped wreck the country with open borders and soft-on-crime DAs for the last four years….because “muh vagina” or something.
As you can see, about 80% of the population of the BBQ is old ladies.
But wait a tick….what’s this?!?!?

Is that Comrade Clayton drinking a STARBUCKS COFFEE?!?
Comrade Clayton spends a good deal of his time whining and complaining about wildly overpaid CEOs and how the Big Corporations are hurting mom and pop! It’s all he yammers about!

He even lied recently about hanging out at the “local” coffee shop as part of his bullshit “working man” act!

But clearly he didn’t mean REAL local coffee shops like Mojo or Alamo. No, those are an extra three blocks of driving from mom’s house where he lives in the upstairs bedroom.
No, there he is – spending money on overpriced sugar coffee from STARBUCKS! The $100 billion dollar company listed on the NYSE! Guess how much THEY “overpay” their CEO??

The ONE THING you can do if you hate something about a company is to NOT SPEND MONEY on them. It’s the reason I never buy Apple products or spend a dime on Disney shit. Other than that, I don’t give shit how much Apple pays their employees or the CEO or how overpriced their shitty iPhones are. I’ll never own one. I’d certainly never waste my breath complaining about it since it doesn’t affect me one bit.
But THIS imbecile Clayton Tucker blows piles of money on Amazon products, Apple iPhones, iMacs and air pods and Starbucks and then he whines on social media about how overpaid their CEOs are! What a fucking MORON!! Not to mention a total hypocrite.

At least now we know how he gets so doughy and pear-shaped! It’s all those 500-calorie Starbucks fag drinks like pumpkin latte mocha shit with whipped jizz on top. Just like the other ladies order.