Every now and then when we hatch out some eggs, we get one of these “Claytons,” as my daughter likes to call it.

It starts with a pip and they get a little bit out into the real world, but then they get stuck. They can’t leave the egg.
She wants so badly to help the little bird get out, but I tell her you can never do that. Mother nature is wise and if that little guy can’t get out on his own then he’s just too weak and inferior and needs to die. So we watch the little guy struggle and rock his little egg back and forth, but eventually it stops rocking with him inside and he dies.
I explain to her that we can’t let him pass his weak genes on to the next generation of birds. Plus he’ll probably get beat up by the other birds and pecked to death. It’s actually cruel to let him live.
It would be like a human mom letting her little bird (son) stay in the eggshell (her house) for 34 years and foolishly keeping that bird alive though her extraordinary measures and constant help when in reality, that bird can never make it on his own.
The longer you support him, the more helpless he becomes.
Hard times (struggling out of the shell) create strong birds, you see…

Weak birds create hard times. We are seeing that now as weak and corrupt men destroy the country and socialism is on the rise among those weak men.

Now pardon me while I go toss that Clayton into the garbage can. It’s becoming malodorous.