Amateur Hour.

Most of the parasites infesting the Biden/Harris administration have absolutely no real-world experience in business.

Economists Stephen Moore and Jon Decker have analyzed the work records and résumés of the top 66 officials who deal with economic policy, regulation, commerce, energy and financeand found 58 percent have virtually no business experience.

That includes Biden, Harris and Vice Presidential nominee Walz,none of whom has worked off the public teat. (A dubious tale Harris once told about working at McDonald’s while in college doesn’t count.)

Moore and Decker found that the average business experience of administration appointees is only 3.1 years and the median years of business experience is a big fat zero.

“The vast majority of the Biden-Harris economic/commerce team members are professional politicians, lawyers, academics, community organizers, or government employees.”

Only 12% of Biden-Harris appointees have extensive business experience, defined as 10 or more years in the private sector.

“Amateur Hour” is an update of a similar report Moore and Decker produced in 2022, but this time they have focused on six of Harris’ economic and finance advisers and found they have a “disturbingly low level of business/finance background . . .

“The total number of years of business experience for these top six staffers was 14.

“They combined for an average of 2.3 years and, once again, the median was zero years.”

Only one of the top six Harris appointees, her chief of staff, Lorraine Voles, had extensive business experience and only two had any business experience at all.

The average business experience of Biden-Harris appointees is well behind the record of President Donald Trump’s cabinet officials during his last year in office, who had an average of 13 years of business experience.

Buttplug-in vehicles?

“If history is any guide, it is likely that if Kamala Harris is elected president, many if not most of the Biden top officials will have positions of power in her administration — though possibly in different appointments and agencies …

“Based on the personnel that Harris has surrounded herself with, we would expect a continuation of the anti-business agenda that we have seen under Biden — and perhaps worse.”

Without management experience or economic competence, key officials in the administration have bungled their portfolios.

The authors single out Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the former small town mayor of South Bend, Indiana, who has presided over a $6 billion program to build half a million electric vehicle stations — which has produced fewer than 20.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, the former Michigan governor, “has had a hard time with reporters even citing very basic energy statistics that calls into question her familiarity with the critical national energy issues she is overseeing.”

Granholm has said that she doesn’t have “a magic wand” to deal with rising gasoline and home heating costs, but her department has “helped kill vital pipelines and energy production and drilling facilities that could [help] alleviate the crisis.”

Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, a lawyer with little business or health care experience “botched the billion-dollar program for free COVID testing kits and has de-emphasized treatments for COVID that could have saved lives.”

Many Biden-Harris officials seem to be more interested in pursuing progressive social policies objectives than in expanding the economy, the authors say.