Comrade Clayton Once Again Displays Total Ignorance Of Real World. Clueless About Insurance.

Some of the D.O.L.L.s (Dumb Old Liberal Ladies) who populate socialist Clayton Tucker’s comments section are just IN LOVE with his dwarf goats (the ones that were almost KIDnapped!) and new fainting goats mom just bought him – neither of which will ever produce any income for his “ranch” nor will they breed and produce babies to sell, since he bought pairs of same-sex goats each time.

He’s a genius!

Anyways, they are SO in love with these goats, they suggested doing a fundraiser at Clayton’s grandpa’s land where he pretends to be a rancher! But apparently Comrade Clayton doesn’t want any of the hoi polloi intruding on his cushy, unemployed existence over there. So he glommed on to a ridiculous excuse to avoid any fundraisers:

“Let’s do a fundraiser! Tee hee! With goat yoga! Tee hee!” says Donna Reeh.

Donna worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 17 years, so you know she is SUPER smart and hard-working. Like every single one of Comrade Clayton’s D.O.L.L.s, she did all the requisite virtue signaling and vaxtarding a couple years ago, too! Not to mention her obviously cuckolded moron husband who put on the useless mask with her…

So embarrassing. Pussies like this should have their Man Card revoked permanently.

Anyways, another old lady dummy then piped up about liability insurance!

Comrade Clayton then jumped on that excuse to keep the riff raff off of grandpa’s land, saying “yeah, that’s the problem! It ain’t cheap!

Oh poor Clayton. So naive and stupid.

Since Comrade Clayton has never been on his own or owned land or paid property taxes or insurance at all, let’s educate the poor bastard:

#1 – if your grandparents (who are the REAL owners of the land) have half a brain in their head, they ALREADY have liability insurance…and have had it for a very long time.

#2 – liability insurance is actually pretty cheap, compared to other kinds of insurance. You wouldn’t know this, because you don’t own a home or pay for health insurance. I think my $5 million umbrella policy costs me about $70 a month, or something like that. It’s like renter’s insurance – SUPER cheap compared to the coverage you get. There is no excuse not to have it.

So as usual, Comrade Clayton the 33-year-old manboy who lives with mom has no fucking clue what he’s talking about yet again!

Even the garden dummy Janet “Crazier” Crozier has liability insurance! Good thing too – because somebody fell down in her garden almost immediately after it opened! Remember that one? Good times.

Go ahead and have your fundraiser, comrade! Your worst risk is one of these old dunces trips over a mini goat and breaks her hip. Grandpa has you covered!!