Water and Wastewater Rates To Rise. SOMEBODY Has To Pay For Talbert’s Past Fuckups and Giveaways To Developers Like Deorald Finney and S2M2.

After last night’s City council meeting, it looks like everybody gets to pay another $120 a year for their water and wastewater.

I understand that keeping the water infrastructure running properly is important and it ain’t cheap. No argument there. Without clean water, you’re dead in two days.

HOWEVER, the dumb shits over the last 10 years (Talbert, Monroe, Williamson, etc) have not only NOT hit any developers with any impact feesthey have HANDED THEM hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax money.

Stone Valley was 67 houses and they were gifted $72,000 in ‘free’ electrical hookups. Plus another $40,000 for random items.

Brodie Estates is supposed to be 22 houses and THEY were handed $185,000!!!

If City council morons had NOT handed out that money and had INSTEAD changed a $3,000-per-house impact fee, the City would have over $500,000 more in their coffers right now to defray these costs. Throw in all the other houses built during that time, and it would likely be closer to $900,000.

But hey – Deorald got a new mansion and a trip to Hawaii out of the deal!!

OH – and don’t forget the City was SHOWERED with TWO MILLION DOLLARS in Covid money a couple years ago. Where did that go? Oh right – the SAME MISTI TALBERT stood before council as LEDC president and pilfered $971,000 for her moronic Business Pork project – which still sits empty to this day.

You can truthfully say that Misti Talbert and her idiot decisions have left the City close to $2,000,000.00 poorer than if she had stayed the hell out of politics. That money could have almost completely paid for all the necessary water upgrades. Williamson, Monroe and Kuehne are close seconds in the culpability department. They were sitting right there voting in favor of that bullshit.

Finney begging for free shit.