Local Communist Upset That Voter Fraud Being Looked Into.

Local communist Clayton Tucker is NOT HAPPY that voting shenanigans are actually being looked into, for once! Commies are not used to law and order – they hate it.

Roland is the fucking loser that Comrade Clayton was backing for U.S. Senate in the primaries. He’s an attention whore who is trying to stay relevant.

Whaaaaah! Intimidation! The elderly! The Latinos! So horrible!!

Funny, you asswipes were cheering on the FBI when they barged into Trump’s house. Have a taste of your own medicine. I happen to think there IS massive fraud going on and I’ll bet anyone a few hundo that at the end of all this, Paxton is totally justified and will find blatant fraud. But even if it’s all a witch hunt, I’m fine with that, too. About time our side started using their power and fighting some lawfare with lawfare. You libshits started down this road. So stop crying about it.

These people were referred by the district attorney for voter fraud, warrants were issued and homes searched. No one is above the law, not even crooked or elderly democrat Latinos.

Fuck you. You made your bed. Lie in it.

And when they DO find fraud, throw these twats in jail for 20 years. We need to set an example for other scumbags out there in the future. Maybe even deport the sons of bitches.