Showing once again what an utterly clueless clown she is, Honey Boo Boo’s mom made an anus of herself by publicly admitting she was asked to leave the local farmers market for selling moldy shitbutter…

I’m not sure what she thinks is so “ugly” about this letter. They explained what she did and why she’s being asked to leave. Pretty simple: you’re selling shitbutter and lying about it. You’re Audi 5000, my friend. Q.E.D.
I think she thinks everyone will be on her side on this but she is very wrong. Nobody cares if you leave the market. Nobody will miss you. The market will go on and you will be quickly forgotten.
Maybe you can sell it all to the Crappy Panda?
Dumb ass.
Just shows again how the Mercer-naries are ALWAYS on the wrong side of every issue. Kind of like Bruce Haywood.