LEDC Minutes From July Posted…Will Amermin (Terrible Name!) FINALLY Be “The One” Who Moves Into Business Pork??

Well, I finally got ahold of the minutes from the July LEDC meeting – the one where Amermin (awful name) made their presentation. The LEDC never bothered to post the minutes online but I requested a copy – here is the screenshot

LOTS of “pie in the sky” here. Almost sounds like an Eco-Turd presentation! Or maybe some Industrial Pork nonsense from Martin’s Rod.

They “expect” to employ “close to” 850 individuals after all phases of expansion are completed.

When will “all phases” be completed? Who knows! Just ask Brodie Estates about open-ended bullshit! Or even the Business Park itself, which is supposedly on Phase II after 20 years. And mind you, this is for the entire company and their multiple locations (Briggs, Bertram, etc.) NOT just for Lampasas.

For all we know, the location here will hire 15 chumps to sort garbage at $16 per hour and that’ll be the end of it.Remember, the LEDC ALREADY lowered the bar HUGELY recently to try and get anyone in there.

Any port in a storm, as they say.

LEDC Lowers Bar In Sad Effort To Fill Their Empty $7.3 Million Business Pork. Tosses Out Many Financial Requirements.

Those $16 entry-level salaries might have been impressive back in 2004 when the Business Pork was envisioned – but nowadays, that’s pretty average as you can see HERE. That’s not even CLOSE to the “high paying” and “non-McDonald’s type” jobs the LEDC has professed to be chasing for close to 20 years.

But guess what? Beggars can’t be choosers and the LEDC are MAJOR beggars right now. They are DESPERATE to get ANYONE in there – you can smell it a mile away. They might just throw the kitchen sink at these guys to say “LOOK! We did it!” and shut me up for a bit.

The only question is how badly they will get bent over when giving away “40 – 50 acres” that these guys supposedly need. Two years ago, the LEDC valued their land at $130,000 per acre!

LEDC Apparently Smoking Weed Now. Values “Business Pork” Land at $130,000 Per Acre.

Something tells me Amermin (does that rhyme with “a vermin”?) isn’t going to shell out $6 million dollars to the LEDC.