With RINOs Like These, Who Needs Libshits?

Local socialist Clayton Tucker re-posted some nonsense from a Texas state rep, who also happens to be a RINO opposed to school choice…

I’m sure that the socialist Clayton Tucker views this Glenn Rogers post as DEVASTATING! Quoting a REPUBLICAN shitting on another Republican (Sid Miller! Coincidence, I’m sure!) to “prove his point” that vouchers are “bad.”

What socialist Clayton Tucker DIDN’T mention, is that RINO fuck Glenn Rogers just got his ass kicked hard in the primaries…mainly because of his opposition to school choice!

Nice try, Comrade. You keep spinning the bullshit…I’ll keep debunking it.

After all, 66% of Texans approve of school choice! I hear libshits like Clayton Tucker yammer about “democracy” all the time. So if 66% of Texans want school choice, then school choice they shall have!

Plus, monopolies are BAD, remember! Just ask Comrade Clayton himself!!

Government is ONE entity that has a 100% monopoly on education! If 69% control is so bad, then 100% control must be WORSE, right Comrade? You clown.

And as Comrade Clayton points out, that leads to “price gouging” and shitty products. Just like we see in government-run schools!!

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has seen a 97% increase in spending per student since 2012, but test scores have DROPPED.  In the 2022-2023 school year, proficiency in math dropped by 78% and reading by 63%. The average spending per student is $29,028, but some schools spend much more. For example, the 10 least used schools spend an average of $34,642 per student