“The Eyes, Chico. They Never Lie.”

Not the best quote in the movie, I’ll grant you that. That honor belongs to “how’d you get the scar, tough guy? Eatin’ pussy?”

You know what else never lies? Gold.

Gold is REAL money – and it has definitely taken notice of late that we have dyed-in-the-wool commies running the show. They want to spend trillions more on top of the $35 trillion in debt we already have. As KommieLa yammered about her Venezuela-like policies yesterday, gold was very much paying attention….

New all-time highs at $2,510.

We are running 8% deficits during PEACETIME and also during a supposedly booming economy. That is unheard of. In 1930, the federal government was 2.5% of GDP. Now? Over 23%. Imagine what happens when the recession hits and federal receipts fall while spending explodes.

I predict if CommieLa is elected, we will see a single year with over $5 trillion in deficits (we are currently running deficits at about $2.5 trillion per year). It’s inevitable math. [Bookmark this prediction]

What has gold done since Biden stole the election in 2020? Up a whopping 52% from $1646 to $2,508

THAT is a true measure of “inflation”: the debasement of the currency. Morons like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood think there is such thing as a “free” lunch. There isn’t. IF CommieLa is elected and gets a compliant House and/or Senate, gold will be heading MUCH higher in dollar terms as the communists wreck the system.

No, inflation hasn’t been tamed. It’s going MUCH higher.