Behold! The $21,000 Handicapped Garden Plant! Or Maybe It’s a Weed. Hard To Say.

As local Marxist Stephanie Fitzharris’ latest money grab fundraiser for her loony mother rapidly approaches, let’s look back a little bit and see how the LAST $21,000 was spent less than a year ago…

They got that $12,359 plus the City had to blow over $5,000 building a sidewalk over there for this loon. A new shed, raised beds, a ton of concrete work….it all added up to close to $21,000 by my estimates.

Unfortunately, it appears Crazy Crozier’s DEMAND for handicapped gardeners far outstrips the actual supply.

Wow. Impressive! An entire year and you have ONE of your 12 raised beds available for planting and it has one sad weed/plant in there. So glad the LCRA throws money at these ridiculous projects. I look forward to MORE of my utility bills being funneled to this moron in the future.

But yeah, by all means you should give her another $10,000 to install water tanks when she ALREADY has nearly-free City water (installed at taxpayer expense, as well).

Remember the old proverb: “Give a man a tomato and he eats for a day. Teach a man to grow a tomato, and he eats for a lifetime. Give money to garden loon Crozier and it shall be wasted in the most amazing ways and feed no man.”

Wise words!

FLASHBACK to 2021 when I tricked Crozier into thinking I was a crippled Russian gardener…..