Remember a couple months ago, we were told a HUGE AWESOME new thing was coming. Super agriculture geniuses Jim Hightower and Clayton Tucker (neither of whom has ever made a living as a farmer or rancher and who may or may not be secret lovers) were about the change the world.
Or so he teased his many old lady “fans”….

What resulted was yet another farm/ranch PAC among dozens and dozens of others already in existence. It’s called the Farm & Food Action PAC – and Comrade Clayton whipped up a new website to beg for money in very short order!
It’s a basic, shitty web page with a few nonsense “facts” on it and the usual hyperbole and incorrect history lessons that Comrade Clayton is known for. But it’s gonna change the world, yo! Let’s go over to Transparency USA and see how much cheddar Clayton’s latest grift has pulled in:

Whoops! Only $250 in donations. Comrade Clayton himself chipped in $225 of that. LOL. Of course, it’s all gone. Cash on hand is sitting at $24. I think I have more than that spilled on the floor of my truck. Fucking loser.
Melissa Laurent, his only other contributor, is married to Jim Laurent. Apparently they own MJ Brahmans, which appears to be a REAL, ACTUAL cattle operation. Why a REAL cattlewoman is handing even one penny to a fake, poseur grifter clown like Comrade Clayton? I’m sure I don’t know. But it looks like nobody else is dumb enough to do so.
I guess this little project of his goes the way of his beekeeping, his Substack, the petting zoo he was going to start, the RX Ranch website for selling meat and every other project he starts and fails at in a few months.