Good old Loose Haywire. Still guzzling retard juice from his old 64oz Whataburger cups all over his kitchen floor and fending off all challengers for Lampasas Village Idiot Emeritus.
Last time we saw Bruce, he was in full-on nutjob mode as he tried to convince everyone he WASN’T a rabid lefty. But he’s back at it again! He thinks EVERY school kid should get a “free” lunch…and probably breakfast, too. All while wailing about “all-time-high” property taxes!

Oh, property taxes are at an all-time high? How do you know, Bruce? You don’t pay any property taxes, you fat fuck.
Also, taxes finally went DOWN a tiny bit last year, so you’re wrong anyways.
You don’t pay any federal taxes either, according to you….

So that would be exactly $0 coming from the Haywood account.
But yes – let’s watch the fat man who contributes nothing blabber loudly for ‘FREE’ LUNCHES FOR EVERY KID. Bruce has spoken.
If I was a fat piece of shit who sat at home and collected checks from everyone else, I’d keep my mouth shut and be thankful I was getting away with being a complete parasite.

I sure as HELL wouldn’t go on-line publicly and have the audacity to bitch about property taxes when I don’t even pay them.
I’m sorry, but I never bought into this “free lunch” shit. That is your FIRST responsibility as a parent. If you’re going to pop out some kids, first question is “CAN I FEED THIS KID.” If answer = no, then no kid for you.
Go buy a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jelly. I ate that shit from 1976 through 1984 when I was in grade school. Stop buying the latest $1000 iPhone, stop paying for 5 streaming services, and stop having more kids you can’t afford.