The little communist has finally left the nest and flown away up to Wisconsin! Fly, you fat little bird!! Fly!

I sure will miss him bagging my groceries at the Burnet HEB. You’ll recall he ALREADY moved to ONE liberal Utopia (Austin), but of course, it didn’t measure up to his high standards in the end…

This is more than I can say for Clayton Tucker. At least Cade put his money where his mouth is…after he took the cock out of it. At least he is walking the walk and actually LEAVING his mother’s womb.
Of course, he’ll be a miserable fuck up there in Wisconsin too – because he is a communist and that’s what they are: miserable, envious little turds.

I was REALLY hoping he was going to move to New Mexico so I could see him get robbed and beaten on a monthly basis by tweakers and illegal Africans. But of course, NM is on the border and that means brown people. We can’t have that, can we!

So Wisconsin it is!
Wait til he starts paying 20% more for electricity, pays 4% in state income taxes and freezes his fat ass off in January and February. Wish I could see that first heating bill! Oh, and don’t forget all the damage the ice and salt on the roads does to your car. That’s always fun.
It’ll be nice in July and August though.
But to young, blinded commies, the grass is always greener somewhere else. I’ll wager he moves back to Texas or another warm clime within two years.
I do find it rather disappointing that he moved to a city that is very nearly 100% white – just like Carol Garner Doughty. Funny how all these “diversity” lovers who demand open borders and third-world trash pouring into the U.S. end up running away to the whitest cities in the country.
Cade once bitched about Lampasas being “too white” and full of racists. Oddly, Cade’s new town is 96% white and only 0.5% black. You’d think a raging Marxist libtard who is all about “diversity” would maybe move to Oakland or Baltimore or Detroit. Nope. White-ass Wisconsin it is.
Just like the Hollywood libs always threatening to move to Canada and never to Haiti or Somalia. Because they are completely full of shit.
What a great year! Texas got rid of Carol Garner Doughty AND Cade Snyder Hilgenberg! Now if only we could get Comrade Clayton to move as well.