Montage Of Kamabla Blabbering Nonsense.

Remember how much shit Dan Quayle took in 1992 for misspelling the word “potato”? I do. It was relentless crucifixion. It was also back before the Internet and social media so we only had three liberal douchebags (Brokaw, Rather and some other moron I forget) repeating the same mantra day after day on one of the “Big Three” networks who controlled the news and fed bullshit to everyone without fear of being countered.

Today we have a chick who might possibly be the dumbest and laziest fuck ever to run for President. She is Dan Quayle times 100. Don’t get me wrong…Quayle WAS a dumb fuck. But he is a genius compared to Kamabla Harris.

Yet millions of idiot women (like Potato Head Fitzharris and Carol Garner Doughty) will vote for her no matter what. Because she has a vagina.

But don’t take it from me – take it from these clips on social media. Clips that would probably be banned had Elon Musk not taken the company private and fired thousands of authoritarian, woke assholes….

Remember who to blame as you are suffering through the next four years of hell with a bunch of 85 IQ communists in charge imposing price controls and green energy horseshit.